canada day
- 加拿大国庆日

We think it 's very cool that our anniversary will always be on Canada Day .
I 'll never see you again , but I want to thank you for making my Canada Day special .
Canada Day is the year 's biggest national party .
So in Quebec , Canada Day is also known as Moving Day .
Since 1982 , July 1st has been officially known as Canada Day .
As Canada Day falls in the Canadian summer holiday period , all schools are closed as well .
In the province of Quebec , many home rentals start on July 1st and last for exactly one year , and many people in Quebec spend Canada Day moving from one house to another .
When is Canada Day and what does it celebrate ?
I leaned close ," Happy Canada Day !" I said loud enough to be heard over whatever music she listened to .
Ottawa mayor office this year invites 30 senior people from Guangzhou , south China 's Guangdong province to perform square dancing on Canada Day .
Ottawa mayor office this year invites 30 senior people from Guangzhou , south China 's Guangdongprovince to perform square dancing on Canada Day .
In a nod to their native country , the wedding took place on July 1 , Canada Day though the celebration took place in the South of France .
In a nod to their native country , the wedding took place on July 1 , Canada Day - though the celebration took place in the South of France .
The temptation to do so is particularly powerful for expat Canadians like me , because we have Canada Day on July 1 as an added excuse .
We think it 's very cool that our anniversary will always be on Canada Day . We can 't wait to start our life together . We 're very happy , he said .
The Duchess seems to be a big fan too , rewearing the look on Canada Day in July with bold red accessories and a flirty fan clutch .
An official with Ottawa Tourism Bureau said last Wednesday at a press conference that more Chinese elements would be added to this year 's Canada Day to mark the friendship between the two countries .
An official with Ottawa Tourism Bureau said Wednesday at a press conference that more Chineseelements would be added to this year 's Canada Day to mark the friendship between the twocountries .
In Canada Thanksgiving Day is the second Monday in October .
A little old lady went / / into / / the Bank of Canada one day , carrying a bag of money .
I got back from Canada the day before yesterday . I visited Montreal and Ottawa and I had a good time .
" You 're right !" She said . " I 'll wait , too . " We wanted the moment to last & a few minutes of Canada on our day .
Canada 's national flag , a symbol for Canada Day , can be seen everywhere and a lot of people paint their faces red and white , which are Canada 's national colors .